nach fünf hocherquicklichen jahren im städtischen atelierhaus in der baumstrasse ist es für unser büro an der zeit weitzuziehen: vom glockenbach zum [mitnichten am tiroler kaiserbach gelegenen] hinterbärenbad.
nach fünf hocherquicklichen jahren im städtischen atelierhaus in der baumstrasse ist es für unser büro an der zeit weitzuziehen: vom glockenbach zum [mitnichten am tiroler kaiserbach gelegenen] hinterbärenbad.
»Raw space for art!« that is what we suggest to the city council of daegu and the daegu fine arts association, who invited us to an international symposium, about the transformation of the 60.000 qm tabacco-factory »kt&g« into a cultural area. The massive building, near daegu station and near the historical city center, which is a monumental witness of the korean industrial age and empty for several years, could be a corner-stone for the revitalisation of the whole area. > map
It could be a really symbiotic process, a »long-term interaction between different biological species« to start using the building as factory for creative & cultural industries >from industrial production to cultural production. The building will survive, the artists will have space for their experimental art production and the neighbours will have vital partner, which effect on the urban space and the quality of the city. Continue reading
2-weeks student project from 3rd year architecture students at keimyung university: extension & renovation of an art-gallery in central seoul.
the boan-inn gallery, a gallery of modern art, is situated in the west of gyengbokgung-palace, seoul. its site includes gallery building, a hotel for former writers & artists. operated from 1932 until 2004, an administration building
and an empty yard to its back. Continue reading