Tag Archives: kwiYunivesithi yaseKapa


UCT 06 carte blanche :: some outcomes

this carte blanche project in the second semesters architectural design studio of 2017 at soapg/uct did not only produce highly amazing & jawdroppifying submissions but even went beyond that:
two teams submitted their work as abstracts at the 10th International interdisciplinary research conference on architecture/built environments at the university of moratuwa in colombo/sri lanka headlined: design that cares – inter disciplinary approach to making built environments efficient and meaningful – both got accepted.
nicky duncan, teegan isola, julia masureik and naa-ilah brown, sharon ho, humairaa wahid then translated their work into full research papers – only to get both accepted.

is the sky the limit? we were asking us, could we somewaysomehow get our superheroines to sri lanka? – and we managed to get funding for both teams to go to present their work at this conference. and off they went

[model of »bringing water to new heights« by: nicky duncan, teegan isola, julia masureik; photo: js]

absolutely magic moments
the world wide open, all ours, the sky reaching out and the sun smiling back at us

part of that happyness just was covered by the
university of cape town news to be checked-out here


UCT 08 overloo k

overloo k

[design/drawing: mxolisi sibusiso moyo]

constructing space
largely neglected, maudit, home of acquired disgust, stigmatized olfactoric rollercoaster, bluebottles, dim, agony, accoustic embarassements, filth, slippery at times. let’s go for that: let’s unbigottedly construct overloo ks, spaces to let some three of our musculii sphincterii dignifiedly relax in an environment of splendid constructive detail and elaborate requirement-profileresponsive materiality. Continue reading


UCT 07 stairway outta/ova hell

a little canyon on chapman’s nek was to be crossed, some level difference made a stair necessary…

a one day exercise with first year students of architecture at the school of architecture, planning and geomatics at kwiYunivesithi yaseKapa / university of cape town


UCT 06 carte blanche

experimental  six-week studio project with 85 first semester students of architecture inspired by cedric prize’s task force strategy [diploma school aa, 1982] to follow-up on some of the lekgotla’s [uct, 2016] demands.

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UCT 05 pinboards

the second of uwe kiessler’s seven-points-talk titled integrated building and held at the intelligent building symposium at tu karlsruhe back in 1991 was
die wand wird dynamisch [the wall gets dynamic]: Sein Äußeres verändert der Mensch ständig, je nach Tätigkeit, Mode oder besonderen Anlässen. …

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UCT 04 communal cuboid concept clips

the communal cuboids were to be kicked off by means of a li’l movie explaining the concept of things to come.
here are four of them:

bleu ciel
[stephanie kirsten, leah michaels, cornelus van der nest, sisonke mgwebi, alexandra le sueur] Continue reading


UCT 04 communal cuboid


when i am by myself it’s the best way to be [circle, edie brickell; cover by j mascis

our house it has a crowd / there’s always something happening / and it’s usually quite loud [our house, madness]

together and/or alone? Continue reading


UCT 03 constructing (m)i-space


an integrated design studio&technology project for 1st year students:
the (m)i-spaces, 5 x 5 x 5m measuring cubes purposed for individual living [a project by alta steenkamp] are supported with a set of courseworks from the tech side:
_the deck
_the stair
_the façade Continue reading


UCT 01 fold


with first year students of architecture at the school of architecture, planning and geomatics at university of cape town, we aplied william mcdonough’s »how do we love all children of all species for all time?« to squirrels:
develop a ramp/chute to allow our befriended species to transfer macademias across our staircases with a 90–100% hit rate whilst also giving the nut airtime to allow the catcher to show off. Continue reading