Tag Archives: lagermöbel


053 baywahalle wiederbesucht @ BR

zehn jahre später, kam der bayerische rundfunk nochmal nach niederarnbach, gucken ob und wie sich unser »traumhaus« in der zeit so entwickelt hat.


den film von carina bauer strahlt das bayerische fernsehen am sonntag dem 19. februar 2017 um 15:15 uhr aus.
oder hernach in der mediathek

wir sind gespannt!


086 lagermöbelsystem 16mm

we were approached by a client in late 2008. we are asked to develop a shelf-system which can store and display small to big objects [cd’s, books, lp’s, …]. we extended this task from the living room only to kitchen and bedroom, and added a kitchenette as well as a wardrobe to the storage-furniture-system.
first desig:  partly made by honeycomb-cardboard-sandwich-panels and folded sheet-metal. basic idea of the use of loadbearing 16mm fatback is used in  finished »stand-alone« product series.

variations of the »built-in« division of the 16mm series: clothing cabinet either (shamefully) boxed into a drywall-closed alcove, or left open, behind a »censored« bar. Continue reading