Tag Archives: 계대 04


계대 04 se-woon-sang-ga @ BÉF 2013

»Architecture has begun to focus on abandoned buildings in the past few years worldwide. Politically undesirable structures, ruins of modern buildings with lost function due to social changes, settlements emptied by natural disasters and „skeletons” left behind by arrested developments as results of the financial crisis – same questions in different shapes: what to do with abandoned spaces, how to provide them with new function, how could they fit to the new requirements of built environment.«
[from kek.org.hu]

we can happily & proudly announce that
sewoonsanga–utopia of a monst
세운상가 – 괴물 의상향

sewoonsanga – egy szörnyeteg utópiája
was selected for
the 5. Budapesti Építészeti Filmnapok/5th Budapest Architecture Film Days.
It will be screened [in redux version with hungarian subtitles (!)] on the 1st of march 2013 at 19:30 hrs
in Toldi mozi/Toldi Cinema. Continue reading


계대 04 se-woon-sang-ga @ AFFR

Because we love crazy buildings, we couldn’t resist this last moment entry which was really way too late…
sewoonsanga – utopia of a monster
has been selected for the 2011 edition of the bienal architecture film festival rotterdam.

→ saturday, 08. october 2011 @ 19:45 hrs
→ sunday, 09. october 2011 @ 18:30 hrs in lantarenvenster, cinema 1

a documentary movie by jan schabert, hyeong-gyu seong, jae-young kim, sang-ryeol kim, seong-hoon heo, wenwen tao
editing consultant: antonia fenn, berlin/d
funding: BISA research fund, Keimyung University